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Leadership Update

A message from Past President, Shelly Etzel

Dear sisters,

The new school year is upon us! This year marks some significant changes in our sisterhood and exciting times to be a Beta Chi!

Due to changes in the needs and dynamics of our sisterhood, the National Executive Council elected to make some changes in our leadership. This decision was not taken lightly, and was based on feedback and guidance from past and present members and other organizations. These changes mark a turning point in Phi Beta Chi and will help ensure our sustainability over our next forty years.

Our goal in these changes was to create a leadership structure that better met the needs of our active and alumnae membership. Effective July 2018, we removed our Executive Director position and replaced the existing National Executive Council with a smaller, more focused Board of Directors. We feel these changes better align with our chapter needs and will improve efficiency and accountability at at the national level. We have filled these positions with dedicated and energetic women and are excited to watch this new leadership grow. We are excited by these new opportunities and look forward to your support and patience as we adapt to these changes.

Some key points in the new structure are:

  • Removal of our paid position in order to improve financial sustainability

  • Removal of term limits so leaders can remain in areas they are passionate about

  • Reduction in the number of positions so that there are fewer people to contact and more direct help when needed

  • Restructuring of the responsibilities so that they better align with chapter activities and needs

  • Addition of sub-chair positions to encourage new members to step into leadership roles

  • A stronger and more dedicated focus on membership growth and retention and expansion efforts

Your new Board of Directors consists of:

  • Director of Operations - Kelsey Ziemann

  • Director of Finance - Jen Fleming

  • Director of Policy - Kelsey Kelley

  • Director of Expansion - Lauren Sharp; Sub-chair - Kaleigh Knapp

  • Director of Development - Jackie Butler; Sub-chair - Alyssa Henderson

  • Director of Customs - Sarah Thio

  • Director of Membership - Morgan Ringhand; Sub-chairs - Shelly Etzel and Tory Waters

  • Director of Information and Public Relations - Melanie Irwin

Please feel free to contact me or any board member if you have any questions regarding these changes. Current contact information, as well as a more detailed breakdown of these positions, will be uploaded to our website,

We also want to take this opportunity to thank and honor Amy Johnson for her 22 years of service to our sisterhood. She has taken care of us in more ways than we can count, and without her, so much would not have been possible. Thank you Amy!

As I look back over the last four years as president, I am amazed at all of the things the sisters of Phi Beta Chi have accomplished. Despite all the changes around us, our foundation remains strong. Our dedication to our values and ideals continues to drive all our activities and allows us to continue to serve our churches, chapters, and communities in amazing ways. I feel honored and blessed to have been able to serve as your president and am extremely excited to watch and support our new leadership as we embark on our next forty years. Phi Beta Chi is what it is because of the outstanding women like each of you that committed to make this sisterhood theirs for a lifetime.



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