Interested in Joining Phi Beta Chi?
Membership in Phi Beta Chi provides lifelong friendships, opportunities for campus and community involvement, and personal and spiritual growth in college and beyond. We are truly yours for a lifetime.
There is a Phi Beta Chi chapter on my campus. How do I join?
In order to become a member of Phi Beta Chi, you will need to participate in the local chapter recruitment on your college campus. At some campuses, Phi Beta Chi may participate in formal or informal recruitment with other Greek sororities. However, most of our chapters host their own recruitment events on their own schedule.
You can find out when the chapter at your campus is hosting recruitment by watching their social media pages or sending them an email. If you have any problems connecting with them, send an email to our Director of Membership at membership@phibetachi.org and she can get you in touch with your local chapter.
To find out if Phi Beta Chi is at your campus, visit our Collegiate Locations page.
There is not a Phi Beta Chi chapter on my campus. Can I start one?
Since Phi Beta Chi was founded, we have sought national growth to provide the Phi Beta Chi experience to all undergraduate women. Phi Beta Chi receives inquiries about starting new chapters from university employees, local sororities who are seeking a national affiliation, and individual students looking for a new experience. We conduct research on your campus and consider each opportunity individually.
Phi Beta Chi's Director of Expansion will assist any campus organization or individual hoping to add a Phi Beta Chi chapter on their campus. For more information or to get started, contact the Director of Expansion at expansion@phibetachi.org.