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Rose of Sharon Education Foundation

A message regarding Day of Giving 2020...


Dear Sisters and Friends,


Philippians 4:4 Don’t worry about anything but in all your prayers ask God for what you need always asking him with thankful heart. And God’s peace which is far beyond human understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.


As we live in this time of turmoil and unrest, God reminds us to keep our eyes on him. Also in this time, we must keep our eyes, thoughts and prayers on each, friends and the needy. This year during our time of celebrating the anniversary of our sisterhood, the ROSE Foundation would like to ask all to be thankful for the sisterhood and make it a priority to reach out to our sisters and make sure that in this time of uncertainty, we support each other with words in a call, email, or in a warm greeting in a card.


In these unprecedented times, instead of asking you to support our annual fundraiser, we ask that each of you take some time out of your day to reconnect with a sister or send a kind word to a neighbor in need.  And above all, trust in the Lord your God to provide peace in our hearts.


Amor via Vitae in Christo

The ROSE Foundation

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